Kevlar, a synthetic fiber made from para-aramids, is often used in composite materials. Kevlar-based composites are popular for applications that require high strength and stiffness, or low thermal conductivity. They can be used in place of alloys and composites in many material makings.

Kevlar has many properties that make it attractive as a reinforcement in composites, including:

  • Low weight
  • Great toughness
  • Outstanding thermal stability
  • Excellent wear and friction resistance
  • Very low creep
  • Low thermal shrinkage
  • Flame-resistant and self-extinguishing
  • High chemical resistance
  • High tear resistance
  • Low electrical conductivity

Some examples of Kevlar-based composites include:

1. Kevlar/Carbon Fiber Twill

This hybrid combines the properties of both materials to deliver a high strength-to-weight ratio, impact resistance, abrasion resistance, and more.

2. Kevlar/CNT-Modified Epoxy Composites

This composite is made by dispersing 0.5 wt% CNTs in epoxy to increase the fracture toughness and damage sensing of Kevlar composites.